phone +91-8224848223
Test/Interview : All eligible candidates will be asked to undergo the process of test/interview or both test and interview depending on the Grade applied to.
Only the candidates who have had their names registered will be eligible to sit for the admission test. Admission test is compulsory for all candidates seeking fresh admission to school. No candidate will be admitted unless he/she has appeared in the test and qualified for the class to which admission is sought and only the candidate who qualifies in the test could enter further process of admissions.
Filling the AF:
The school admission form should be duly filled and submitted to the appropriate desk. Parents/Guardians are instructed to fill-in the admission forms with utmost accuracy.
No changes will be permitted thereafter, for any reason whatsoever.
Incomplete applications will be rejected.
The personal data entered in the admission form should be same as in the other documents like the birth certificate, TC, and Aadhaar Card.
If the name and other details are different in a document which is required to be submitted along with the completed admission form, the applications will be rejected.
The father’s name and mothers names should be same as shown in their documents.
Spelling of name of Student/Mother/Father/Guardian should be as is recorded in the Birth Certificate and maintained as per Birth Certificates, Aadhaar Card, Admission and Withdrawal Register by the school.
Date of Birth should be as per the Birth Certificate, Aadhaar Card, Admission and Withdrawal Register maintained by the school.
No abbreviations should be given. Expanded name of student and Mother/Father/Guardian should be given.
When the visiting a country, it is required to have both name and surname. Hence, surname should be mentioned in the data along with first name.
No nick/pet name should be mentioned.
Date of Birth certificate should have been issued within stipulated period as mentioned in the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969.
Exclusive Discretion of the School:
The school reserves the right to admissions and in all matters pertaining to admission, the decision of the Admission Committee will be final.
By taking admissions at APS, the parents agree that their wards may be assigned a division a per the school’s choice and administrative comfortability. Parents may not make any request, or demand at any point of time during their wards studentship at APS.
School Session: The school session is from April to March.
TC: A transfer certificate will be required from the candidates coming from another school.
School Rules: A parent who seeks admission at APS ipso facto accepts all the rules and regulations of the school and ignorance of the rules and regulations of the school shall not be considered an excuse.
Textbooks: If the textbooks are not available during the admission process, the parents will be intimated about the date and time of uniform and textbook issue.
Allotment of the Divisions: Your ward will be allotted the section on the day of admission. The choice of the allotment of the Sections/Division and changes are as per the school rules and regulations. The parents are not expected to make a demand for a particular section/Division.
Admission Procedure (Class- IX): Grade IX admissions applications should follow the procedures as prescribed by the Board apart from the school admission procedures.
Test / Interview: All applicants should undergo a necessary test or interview or both in core subjects failing which the application would be rejected forthwith.